Dealing With Workplace Accidents

It is always great to understand your options if you get hurt while on the job, in most cases you will receive workers compensation (Workmans' Comp), if this is the case then you will not be able to file a lawsuit against your employer, you will go through the states's administrative workers compensation agency.

1.Workers Compensation

Workers compensation is simply sacrificing the right to sue your employer in exchange for benefits for work related injuries with disregard on who is at fault, workers compensation is a type of insurance that provide guaranteed benefits and wage replacement by relinquishing your right to sue.

It will pay for your hospital bills and necessary medical expenses to diagnose and treat the injured person, not only that but it also provides disability wages while you can not work, this is normally around two-thirds (2/3) of what you normally receive for pay, sometimes it will also pay for other types of benefits.

Workers compensation does cover most types of injuries from work, though it does not cover every type of injury such as.

*Intoxication while on the job.
*Being affected by illegal drugs while on the job.
*Self-Harm (fights, hurting yourself).
*Injuries while doing something illegal.
*Injuries not on the job.
*Injuries while violating work policy.

It will cover injures such as

*Company event injuries
Say John decides to play darts while having a little too much to drink while sponsoring an event for the company and somehow gets a dart stuck into himself, it'll most likely be covered by workers compensation despite being intoxicated on the job.

*Travel job
Traveling salesman and you fall and break your leg while rushing to meet a client, you'll probably be covered.

You may bypass the workers compensations system and sue your employer for a number of reasons like

*Emotional distress
*If your employer intentionally hurts you.
*Injury by defective product
*Injury by toxic substance

You can read more about work accidents if you click here.